Venue: Ocean Beach Physio + Allied Health
Saira Ellen K Spencer

Title: Cinereas

Title: Do you see what I see? '10:20' & '9:50'

Title: Keep your friends close

Title: Sea Sponge

Artist Profile: Saira Ellen K Spencer
A self-taught painter living and working on Menang-Bibbulmun land, amongst forested wetland, 35 km west of Kwoorabup (Denmark), WA.
Using a flesh-tone palette, biophilic detailing and anthropomorphic silhouettes, Saira’s arts practice is primarily concerned with drawing parallels between phenomena of the natural world and the nature of human experience, demonstrating our common ground with what grows from the ground.
Her intention is to examine our, at-times, fraught relationship with the worlds around us whilst also celebrating the inherent beauty of Australia’s wilderness.
Venue: Community Resource Centre
Artist Profile: Leah Hannant
As a self taught artist, Leah began painting in 2017, after taking part in a life-changing course in meditation and spiritual connection. This experience ignited her passion for creating. Although Leah has used watercolour and pencil in the past, acrylic is now her preferred medium, and she loves to include reflective aspects such as glitter and metallic materials, to enhance the play of light in her work. Her broad range of subjects includes landscapes, seascapes, animals, people, and spiritual concepts, and she loves the challenge of commissioned work.
Over the last four years, Leah has exhibited single works in various
locations, including Belmont, Pemberton, Albany, Nornalup and Denmark.
She held her first Solo Exhibition titled “Cleanse the Palette”, at the
Denmark Visitor Centre in November 2023, where she sold multiple works.
In 2024, two of Leah’s pieces were also successfully auctioned off in the
fundraising events of Kojonup District High School and Denmark Arts/
Denmark Skate Inc. Leah also enjoyed curating the Mill Art Group 2025 Summer Exhibition, which generated over $7,900 in sales.
Currently, Leah exhibits throughout the year at Element Health Denmark,
Art on Walls (facilitated by Denmark Arts at various local businesses),
and at the Denmark CRC Gallery (as a member in the Mill Art Group’s
Exhibitions). Leah welcomes all feedback about her work, so please feel free to connect with her via her Facebook page This is where she can also be
contacted for commissioned pieces.